My collection of vintage, quirky, gay, tech, gaming and rare advertisements from famous and not so famous magazines.
Memories in Print
Documenting vintage and rare advertisements from the last century
I have a passion for vintage print advertisements of all types.
Often only the most famous brands and illustrations are preserved and collected.
I am cataloging all of the vintage ads possible to bring to you interesting collections never before seen.
Freshest Relics
Quirky, fun or interesting ads recently found.
During the searching, cataloging and research process I come across new ads all of the time.
I show here some of the most recently found curiosities.
Brands Through the Ages
Discover the iconic brands that once dominated the pages of vintage magazines and see how their advertisements have transformed over time. Some of these companies continue to thrive, while others are only a memory.
Pop-up Exhibits!
The Pop-up Exhibits explore and provide exposition on a particular dimension of the collection.
The Compendium
I am extensively cataloging the vintage advertisements inside my collection. Dive into the history of print advertisements!
Periodicals →
Individual series issues from each publisher that contain the ads.
Publications →
The publishing organizations from my collection and source of ads.
Products and other items that are related to the ads
The Vault
Physical magazines, sheets, artwork and curiosities in possession.
See the catalog of physical ads related items I’ve collected. Preserved for posterity in The Vault, our descendants can marvel at the quirky, creative, and crazy things that were marketed to us.
Newly moved to the Vault
Currently Archiving
I am working on adding all of the advertisements in these prints to the Compendium
Time Capsules
Preserving Tomorrow’s Nostalgia
Only vintage ads take their rightful place in The Compendium. Younger prints are kept safe within a Time Capsule. When 30 years have passed, we'll break open the time capsule, allowing their ads to be archived.
Being Assembled…
Your AI-Powered Retro Guide
Meet Dex, your AI companion and comprehensive, database designed to help you find and curate your own collection of vintage print ads.
New content and commentary about the collection posted daily.
Get notified about new ads and newly released pop-ups.
A catalog and collection of vintage, quirky, gay, tech, gaming and rare advertisements from famous and not so famous magazines.
© 2024
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